Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fountain of Books

My bookish fever has found relief. Today, I got my 11 books for 30 dollars from ---WARNING----this is not a promotional thing the site has going on. It is merely my saavy book finding skills! Yay!

I am proud to introduce to my bookshelves:

Tao Te Ching - Lao Tze

The Analects - Confucius

The Theory of the Leisure Class - Thorstein Veblen

On the Social Contract - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Common Sense - Thomas Paine

The Importance of Being Ernest - Oscar Wilde

English Romantic Poetry, An Anthology

Emily Dickinson Selected Poems

English Victorian Poetry, An Anthology

Famile Happiness and Other Stories - Leo Tolstoy

A Jounral of the Plague Year - Daniel Defoe

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Love it!

Just found this cute "Get The Look"dining room on It really is too sweet, I am a girlie girl all the way!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Cleaning!

There is nothing more reviving than spring cleaning to me. It is when I make my "New Year" resolutions. January is just too dreary to consider any grand life changes. This was/is also the perfect time to do so as it was also my "red letter" 30th birthday last week.
I am resolute in the promises that I WILL regularly iron, I will keep a "pretty place" to practice metitation and yoga, and I am strong in my conviction that I will become a master at making all my our cleaning products.

Of course I am in deep-cleaning mode, but it is really the removal of the the junk that has accummulated throughout the winter; along with what I thought that I would used at some point even before the passing season. I am going to par down the "cute stuff" buying. It really is a problem of mine.
So, I have started the momentous task with good results so far, although I lost steam throughout the weekend. Like I said, I kinda hit a bump, it is sorta like "cleaners' block". I am just surrounded with the widdled down bits here and there. What should stay? What should go? I am honestly thinking about trashing it all. Then the only thing left would be dealing with the large stack of bills, records and homeschooling stuffs that it half strewn across my floor, desk and shelves.
I sound like a live like a sloven pig, but really I just tore everything about when I went into turbo-cleaning mode. It feels more thorough that way.

To make for a happy spring-cleaning experience go to and get yourself these precious girlie cleaning gloves!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Things...Cupcakes!

I adore me a good cupcake. I am constantly astounded by the masterpieces created in the cupcake world. Too Yummy! If you are digging spring-ness in the air and have mouth-watering morsels on the mind try this creation: http://http//

It looks fantastic and I love the creative flair.
I try to copy a picture, but alas, Fiona, (my computer) is as stubborn as even.

I also enjoy the perfection in the imagery of me baking these fab mini-cakes with the cute aforementioned apron. Yes, I would like to fancy myself a domestic goddess, (although truly I have much to do to live up to the title) looking the part does help on the motivation side of things at least where I'm concerned.

Today is the eve of my 30th birthday. This, not surprisingly, it a big milestone for me. I totally embrace this new decade and with all my heart hope for a less eventful 10 years then the last. My twenties were a whirlwind...some times good, sometimes not. And since this is also the eve of spring here in New England, I am definitely feeling the renewal vibe in a big way. I am totally going to celebrate all aspects of this new beginning and embrace my inner "domestic goddess" and do all the little things that give me a thrill during the season.

I will try to post this via photo ops as they happen, but not promises....I am nothing if not inconsistent!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Apron Love

I seriously need this apron. More then that I need to seriously start making my own. Just need to figure out that confounded sewing machine!

Am I really the only one that finds chores and cooking more fun with an apron on?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Manners DO NOT go out of style!

Check it out, I hope that other schools and families adopt this:|main|dl1|link3|

I always like to be treated like a lady. This is shocking, seeing as how I AM a lady. 

Our society that claims to be so progressive and about gender equality, seems to equate these "old fashioned manners" as sexist. However, we find it acceptable that today's man can overtly think and treat women as objects for sexual fantasies and perversions. At the same time men being no longer "saddled" with the obligation to be the main provider and breadwinner; they also are more and more content to let the women do that too, as well, as still being the primary caregiver. Equality? No.

Now, I am not dissing all men in under the pretense of "evil doers", or saying that all women are selfless saints. Nor, do I think that allowing women to own property, to vote, educate themselves and persue careers or have a fair shake within the legal system were not fights that needed to be won.  I just think that the relationships and dare I say-"gender roles" are seriously askew. In the wake of the feminist revolution; manners were the first to go. Why?

My self worth is not degraded when a man opens the door for me, or seats me at a dinner. I do find it degrading when men think that as a women I deserve nothing,more than the divinity of their presence.

That being said, I met a few southern gentlemen a few years back on a business trip - their manners were inpeccible!  I was in my early twenties and having never experienced anything like it...I felt like a princess. I had doors opened for me, chairs held out, men stood when I stood or enter/left the room and they held any parcels that was in there ability to carry. They also addressed you in the most charming way. As a New England girl for life, I believe that the south could teach us in the north a thing or two.

Rant Done.

Please Remember your Manners!

Friday, February 19, 2010


I am not really into nail polish. Don't get me wrong; I love a French manicure as much as the next girl, but I stink at painting my own nails. It looks that the bottle had an accident on my fingertips. I also have a hard time paying for someone else to do something for me that I SHOULD be able to do for myself.

However, I have discovered a passion for the OPI nail color: Friar, Friar Pants on Fire! The color is so fantastic that it totally makes up for my shame in having someone else do the dirty work!

It is my nails' heart song!